
What Size Drawer Slides Do I Need

Fifty-fifty experienced woodworkers will sometimes pause and inquire what size drawer slides do I need?While that might seem odd, drawer slides are a disruptive slice of cabinet hardware as they have various mounts (side, lesser, under, pinnacle and center) and lengths vary by the type of slide.

Which makes choosing drawer slides a challenge.

In this article learn how drawer depth, cabinet construction, mounting location and weight capacity will all cistron into your drawer slide length requirements.

The full general dominion of drawer size measurements is to measure out the depth of the cabinet, then decrease ane/2-inch and round down to the side by side even number.  So, for a face frame chiffonier that is 23″ deep, subtract 1/ii″ and then round to 22″ (and use rear mount brackets).

New Construction Drawer Sizes

Perhaps your project hasn't taken shape and yous are looking to club your drawer slides so they are ready when you are.

In this case, the chore might be a bit more difficult equally y'all may non have assembled the cabinet or article of furniture box. But you should, at least, know the depth of the final assembled box.

Standard Drawer Slide Sizes for Kitchen Cabinets

Drawer slide sizes for kitchen cabinets

Most kitchen drawer slides are 21 to 22-inchdes in length

First, almost all kitchens are made with 24″ final depth cabinets to support standard sized countertops.

Which makes lengths of drawer slides for kitchens piece of cake (and side clearance besides).

By slide type, the post-obit is the rule of pollex:

  • Side and lesser mountain drawer slides are almost always 22″ and have a i/ii″ side clearance. Accept a face up frame cabinet? You'll need rear mount brackets too.
  • Undermount drawer slides are 21″ and take a custom drawer width

Drawer Slide Lengths for Bathroom Vanities

Bathroom Vanity Drawer Slide Length

Most vanities accept 16 or xviii-inch drawer slides.

Similar to a kitchen cabinet, and with the standard vanity tiptop depth at 21-inches, you'll find the finished depth of vanities mostly back up a 16 or 18-inch drawer slide.

Why the variation? Well, it depends on the overhang and style of vanity top. While some cabinets push button to 20″ deep (and thus back up an 18″ slide), others prefer more overhang and require a 16″ slide for the all-time depth.

The best style to determine? Work backwards from the depth of your vanity peak. While about homeowners prefer at least i-inch of counter overhang, 3/iv-inches for the drawer front and have 1/4 to iii/4″ in the back (upward to 2-i/two inches) you'll exist fine at 18-inches for a frameless cabinet and tight for a face frame cabinet.

Furniture Drawer Slide Lengths

And so past now you've probably got the picture on choosing a slide length for new construction. For furniture projects follow the same rule of thumb:

  • Face frame designs subtract 1″ from depth of the finished cabinet and circular down to nearest fifty-fifty length
  • Frameless designs can be measured tighter, simply its best to lay out and if in doubt go a lilliputian shorter than longer.

Soft Closing vs. Cocky Closing Drawer Slides

Every bit you lot are realizing drawer slide lingo is a bit confusing.

And 1 of the more than confusing points is the divergence between soft and self closing:

  • Self closing merely ways the drawer will use gravity to pull the drawer shut. Simply it Volition Not prevent the drawer from slamming.
  • Soft closing drawer slides will both hold a drawer shut AND use a damper technology to forestall the drawer from slamming.

All of which has led most new kitchens and projects to use soft closing slides. Considering nobody likes to hear slamming chiffonier drawers.

And, when it comes to deciding the size of drawer slides there is rarely any difference in the lengths.

Measuring Drawer Slides for Existing Drawers

Side Mount Drawer Slide Length

1 style of rapidly updating your drawers is to replace the drawer slides with improved performing slides.

Simply, that may hateful switching from a heart-mount slide to a side mount drawer slide. Which, equally you lot might know, creates a new measuring question: what size drawer slide do I need for a retrofit?

Side Mountain Drawer Side Lengths and Extensions

If this is your first exposure to drawer slide mechanics a skillful place to start is with a side mountain drawer slide.

Not simply are these slides strong, they are also summit performing slides when properly installed:

  • Easy to mount
  • Ball bearings for polish activeness and high weight loads
  • Standard i/two-inch side clearance
  • Full extension features allow access to the back of the drawer

Lastly, side mount slides are bachelor in ii″ increments from x″ up to 72″ and make them a smashing fit for whatever chiffonier or article of furniture.

Bottom Mount (Epoxy) Drawer Slides

While a true count would be hard to obtain, at that place are likely billions of lesser mount drawer slides powering cabinets and article of furniture. And, this is because these slides are cheap and take (mostly) good performance.

When it comes to picking sizes, though, you'll be looking at slides between 12-22″ in length. Why so short? Well, their pattern is centered on narrow tracks for epoxy wheels and doesn't stay rigid over longer lengths.

Undermount Drawer Slide Sizes

Undermount Drawer Slide

Of all the types of drawer slides, there is none more than finicky than the TOP performing undermount drawer slides.

Why? Well, consider:

  • Undermounts require a custom side clearance to back up the thickness of the drawer side
  • Almost undermount slides are grooved into the drawer bottom
  • And, for face frame cabinets, require a rear mounting bracket

And then, if your goal is replacing undermount drawer slides you'll want to replace them "like for like" with the aforementioned part number and length. Unfortunately, upgrading a side mount drawer to undermount is rarely possible.

The proficient news? Most undermounts come in limited lengths of 12″, 15″, 18″ and 21″. Which should brand measuring relatively easy.

Oft Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

How much space does a drawer slide need on the side?

Most drawers are congenital to support a i/two″ of clearance on each side of the drawer. However, heavy duty drawer slides will often have from 0.7 to 0.75 inches and undermount slides a custom amount less than i/ii″.

Can drawer slides be shorter than the drawer?

Aye, a drawer slide can be shorter than the drawer. However, the drawer volition not fully open and the distance from the back of the slide mounted on the drawer to the rear of the drawer will be lost for accessibility.

What size drawer slides are used for a 24-inch deep chiffonier?

For face up frame cabinets the standard drawer slide length is 22″ to permit for use of a rear mounting bracket. The same is mostly true for frameless cabinets as you need to have at least 1″ of space for the drawer front and rear of the cabinet.


Every bit you brand a final decision on the size of your drawer slides be certain to consider using soft close drawer slides (not self close), drawer slide jigs and the right cabinet screws for your project.

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Last update on 2022-04-12 at 03:02 / Images from Amazon

What Size Drawer Slides Do I Need,


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